The erstwhile Rob Crawford, Tom Crossin, and Sebrina Baynes

Tom, Sebrina, Laura, Rob, Bob, Karen, Arlene, and Rob Crawford

Sebrina, Rob, Bob, Karen Arlene, Rob, and Tom

Rob, Tom, Sebrina, Laura, Rob, Bob, Karen, and Arlene

Rob and Tom

Laura and Rob (hey Rob, I looked like this at the senior prom!)

Bob and Karen

Arlene and Jay

Sebrina and Laura

Rob and Tommy

Donna Reese discovered at Dugan's in Luzerne

Rob, Tommy, and Sebrina

Tom, Jay, and Rob

Rob, Tom, Arlene, Rob, Jay, Karen, Bob, and Sebrina

Arlene and Jay

Tom and Sebrina

Rob and Tom

Jay, Rob, and Tom


Laura and Rob