Note, this information is only useful if you have some Linux/Unix experience or are willing to learn a few things about it. At minimum, you should be familiar with the Linux commands to move around the file system and the 'vi' editor. Not all this information is targeted at developers, but most of it will require knowing how to log into the dec.
If you have some links or information you'd like to submit, please send it to Lee Devlin at .
There may be some perl scripts found on this page and if you drag and drop them on to a Samba folder on the dec, they may be stored as a 'DOS' type text file and won't execute properly because the have <cr><lf> (carriage return, line feed) characters where they should only have <lf> characters. You can download a free editor called Notepad++ which allows you to specify that the file be stored in 'Unix' format.
Changing the screensaver timeout
The smallest amount of time that is allowed by the menu selection is 15 minutes. Some users have requested that it be shortened to something less. To shorten it to something less than 15 minutes, you need to perform the following steps:
Login to your DEC.
cd /opt/odin/.realnetworks
vi Odin_1_0
Change the value of "ScreenSaverTimeoutMinutes"
killall X (this restarts the main application)
Once this is done, it's best not to use the Screen Settings menu again because it could change your settings back to a valid setting from the menu.
The CD lookup service provided by Gracenote (CDDB) no longer works. To fix it, you'll need to change to FreeDB. To change it, follow these steps:
Login as root to your DEC using putty. Type in the following (paying attention to the spaces):
cd /opt/odin/.realnetworks <Enter>
vi Odin_1_0 <Enter>
This launches the VI editor to edit the file 'Odin_1_0'. Use the down arrow key to move the cursor down to the line that starts with "CDDBServerType"
Use the right arrow key to space over to "gn". Type in 'xx' to delete those two characters. Type in 'a' to go into append mode. Then type in "freedb" to replace the "gn" that you just deleted. Then hit the <Esc> key to get out of append mode. Then type 'ZZ' to save the file.
Now type:
killall X <Enter>
This kills the main application and causes it to restart so it will change to the FreeDB database for all future CD information lookups.
Controlling the dec from a web interface
Several list members have constructed some scripts to control the dec from a web interface. Phil Daoust has provided detailed instructions on how to duplicate his web interface. You can find his file in the files section of the de100c Yahoo group. Here's a screenshot of how it appears in a browser. You will need to install the Apache web server to enable this feature. This essentially allows you to control your dec from anywhere inside your network or, if you do can use port forwarding with your router, from anywhere in the world.
When using Internet Explorer, it's necessary to go to the Tools->Internet Options->Temporary Files Settings and set it up so that it checks for new versions of stored pages on every visit to the page. Otherwise, it will just sit there giving you the same screenshot. It may be necessary to increase the delays in the script if you find yourself having to use the refresh button in order to see the screenshot change. If you notice that you're unable to execute remote.cgi file, you can get one that has all the carriage return <cr> characters removed from it here. Use a 'right click' on that and 'save as' to save the file. Then rename it from remote.cgixx to remote.cgi before dropping it on to the dec.
Dave Orth has developed new and improved web interface based on Phil Daoust's work called mirage that has a remote control image that looks just like the dec's remote and has fixed the issue which made it necessary to reconfigure your browser to check for updates on each visit to a page. It also runs under Netscape and can be found in the files section of the de100c Yahoo group entitled mirage.tar.
For an even more elaborate web interface that also works with a PocketPC, check out Jan Krucky's DecWeb.
Enabling an FTP server on the DEC
Sometimes it is desirable to put files on to your de100c using FTP which moves files faster and is more familiar to a true Linux geek than simply dragging and dropping them with Samba. Here is the readme file and the tarball to enable an anonymous FTP server on the de100c.
Enabling a Samba client on the DEC
Sometimes it is desirable to move files on to your de100c to another de100c using Samba if you're not that familiar with FTP. This samba-client package enables you to mount samba filesystems or Windows shares to your DEC. Here is the readme file and the tarball to enable a Samba client on the de100c.
Greg Zwart has provided a webpage that has a perl script to create a parallel set of easy-to-use symbolic links to the files on your dec by using the ID3 tags. That way, the files can be accessed by names that look familiar and are in hierarchical folders instead of by the odd names the dec assigns which look something like this: f0113a0f_11bf5122_03.mp3.
Friendly links works especially well with the Apache::MP3 server and if you use it in that manner, you should cd into the /content/music/ripped directory and enable read privileges on all files with the command 'chmod 644 *'. Whenever you rip a new CD, you'll need to run this command to be able to access the files using the Apache::MP3. Also, you will need to change the symbolic link for 'mp3' in the Apache htdocs directory to point at /content/exported-music/mappings directory.
The commands to do that are:
cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs
rm mp3
ln -s /content/exported-music/mappings mp3
Then all your files will show up listed by Artist/Album/Track in the web browser.
Alan Pippin found a very easy way to support a more recent video codec from RealNetworks called 'Helix' on the de100c. All you need to do is take these two files:
and copy them into the directory "/opt/odin/Real/Codecs/"
Now files produced with the latest free version of Helix Producer will be playable on the dec. Be forewarned though, this codec requires more CPU power and so if you've been thinking of upgrading the CPU on the dec, this would be an example of an application that can benefit from it. With the standard 566MHz Celeron, you're likely to see a lot of dropped frames. You might consider replacing the Celeron with a PIII 1GHz FC-PGA CPU (make sure not to get a Tualatin-based CPU, i.e., FC-PGA2, since the motherboard on the dec will not support it.)
Here are some of Alan's tips for creating your own video for playback files on the dec:
1) Select the 2-Pass Encoding, Variable Bit Rate, and High Quality Resize
2) Select the Sharpest Image video option
3) Resize your original videos down to 320x240 if you can. Anything higher than
this seems to playback a bit choppy on the DEC without any noticeable increase
in quality.
4) Select one audience (512k) for your target bitrate. 512k seems to be a good
sweet spot for quality vs. size.
5) Approximate 512kbps rm video stream size using Real Producer:
1 min 320x240 rm video = 3MB <- Looks better
Approximate 512kbps rm video stream size using Adobe Premiere:
1 min 320x240 rm video = 9MB
How to Install RPMs on the dec
(Thanks to Stephen)
Create a folder on the DEC in which you can easily drag and drop files. To do this, edit the /etc/smb.conf file.
Use the 'vi' editor (there are several links on the developer's page that can get you to the point where you can add lines and edit text within a few minutes of reading them).
Here are the basic commands you need to edit the /etc/smb.conf file: (comments in [brackets])
Add a new directory under content called sw (software) with the following command:
mkdir /content/sw
chmod 777 sw
vi /etc/smb.conf
G [to jump to the last line of the file]
o [to open the file for insertion after the current line] [type in the text listed below] <esc> [to escape from insert mode] ZZ [to save file] Add the following lines:
comment = software directory
path = /content/sw
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
guest account = root
After you're done, you should see the sw folder on your PC in the list of folders where you find the import and export folders on the dec. Drag and drop files to sw to put them into the DEC. Then, whenever you telnet into the DEC, you can 'cd /content/sw' and you'll be in the directory with the rpm files you've dropped into sw. Installing rpm files is pretty easy. Telnet into the dec, cd to the /content/sw directory, and type in 'rpm -i *.rpm'. You may find that because of dependencies, you'll get errors have to install the rpms one at a time in the proper order.
(Note, this set of directions originally recommended the /tmp directory as the place to put rpm files. However, in the case of a failsafe recovery, that directory gets overwritten, making the restoration of the mods more difficult. The /content partition is not changed during a failsafe recovery or by booting from the recovery CD.)
Installing an Apache Server on your de100c
All you need to know about installing an apache server on the dec is located on Jeff Monk's site. If you want to be able to stream mp3 files on other computers, you should also install the Apache::MP3 rpm files which are also available on that site. Installing rpm files is pretty easy. Just make up a subdirectory in the /content directory of your dec called sw and drag and drop the files into it. Then telnet into the dec, cd to the directory, and type in 'rpm -i *.rpm'. To access the /content/sw directory from a PC, you will need to add the /content/sw directory to your shared files in the /etc/smb.conf file. To do this, add the following lines to it:
comment = software directory
path = /content/sw
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
guest account = root
Then set up the /content/sw directory with the following commands:
mkdir /content/sw
chmod 777 /content/sw
To get Apache to run automatically on boot up, you will need to cd to /etc/rc.d/rcb5.d and make a symbolic link with this command:
ln -s ../init.d/httpd S85httpd
Installing a more stable kernel
Scott Lee has compiled a new kernel for the dec that is intended to fix a problem with the instability issues that have been reported by many users. These issues are discussed in the main FAQ, and result in the need for a periodic 'failsafe recovery'. Scott found a parameter that appears to have been set incorrectly in the dec's kernel which should have allowed interrupts while using APM in conjunction with DMA enabled on the hard drive. This new kernel makes that single parameter change and is available for download. If you've been seeing issues with instability of your dec, you may want to use it to see if it helps, particularly if you're about to do a failsafe recovery anyway. I have saved Scott's Q&A on this kernel here. For even more stability, consider installing the kernel that will shut the dec down completely. See the next section for more information.
Installing a kernel that will power down the DEC completely
Scott Lee has provided yet another kernel for the dec that is that will power down the dec completely when you push the power button. The fans and disks, CPU, etc, will completely shut down. Use it at your own risk and make sure to back up all your content before making a significant change like this. Here is Scott's description of it:
'The RPM will replace the kernel and add some support files for causing the
power button to perform a full graceful shutdown. This kernel uses ACPI
rather than APM so is not affected by the "fix" to the kernel
Unlike the DECupdate RPM, this one does not touch the failsafe image -- it
simply applies the changes to the root file system. As such, the changes
will be lost if a failsafe recovery is performed.
It does not require that a failsafe recovery be performed prior to installing it
but I would strongly recommend that anyone who has not already applied the DECupdate RPM either do so or perform a failsafe recovery
just prior to applying this RPM so the root file system is in a "good
Whenever you power off the dec, it will shut off completely and go to a cold boot state, which means it will take a few minutes to power up. To install it, just drag and drop the file into your 'tmp' directory*. Make sure it came across cleanly by executing the command: md5sum DECpoweroff-1.0-1.rpm and you should get the following result: f8bdf20595a2f3c85c5200f7cdb2990f
Once you confirm that it's been downloaded cleanly, you can execute the command: rpm -i DECpoweroff-1.0-1.rpm. After you will be prompted to perform the command 'init 6' which will complete the process. From the on, the power button will take the dec to a full power off state. Whenever you press the 'power' button, you'll see a big message 'Shutting Down' on the front panel display and everything will be shut down to a cold boot state.
Installing an new hard drive using image from a CD
First of all, the DEC must be unlocked before you can attempt this procedure. The CD will boot and update the unit to software version 091702_1.4.201. Use Roxio Easy CD Creator or a similar program to write this downloadable ISO image to a CDR disk. When the dec is powered up from a cold boot state, it will install the image over an existing image on the hard drive but leave the content partition intact. Registration information will also be overwritten so it will have to be re-input as will network settings. In the case that it is a new drive or one without a partition structure that the CD recognizes, it will overwrite the drive and re-partition it. Any IDE drive should work and it has been tested on drives up to 120GB. The best drives are the ones that are the quietest, typically 5400 rpm, and Seagate makes a very quiet drive, although a Maxtor, Fujitsu or WD drives will work too. The higher performance 7200 rpm drives will just consume more power, generate more heat and noise, and do not add anything to performance, although it's hard to find slower drives now. The dec can only address 137GB of hard drive space, so adding a drive larger than that will mean that you can only see 137GB maximum. To access a larger drive, a new kernel would need to be built and that hasn't been done yet..
If the date is before August 1, 2003, the unit will re-lock itself and must be unlocked using the procedure described elsewhere.
If your dec has a hard drive failure, you will not be able to boot so the CD eject button on the front panel will not work because that button sends the eject command through the OS. So pull down on the hinged CD door and you'll notice a cutout that allows you to access the eject button on the front of the CDRW drive. You can apply power and push that button in the first few seconds of startup to get the tray to come out so you can load the boot CD and then push it back in. Remove power, add power, and it should boot from the recovery CD provided you had either unlocked the dec or were running the latest firmware (version 1.4.201) which would have unlocked it any time it booted after 8/1/2003 .
The hard drive jumper should be configured as a Master, although some models require it to be set to CS (cable select). Try master first and if it doesn't seem to be working, you can try CS.
The iRadio server on the de100c can be redirected to one that is more actively maintained and can be modified by requesting particular stations.
The iRadio server at Real is no longer on line, and for a while, there was one hosted by Robert Rose at but it also went off line. I've decided to host the db myself on this website so if you'd like to see if you can redirect your dec to a new server and a new set of Internet Radio stations that actually work, here is a posting that explains it:
Once you've gotten into your dec via telnet, you can overwrite the URL that RealPlayer uses to get its Internet Radio station tuner database. The file that specifies the URL of the database is located in /opt/odin/.realnetworks/Odin_1_0. The specific lines in this file are the "TunerDBUpdateServer" and the "TunerDBUpdateScript" lines. The values of these two lines are combined to form the URL that is sent to retrieve the Internet Radio database:
Where the first two parameters come from the lines mentioned above and the last is the current date.
After much reverse-engineering, I've managed to build my own replica of the RealNetworks Internet Radio Database that the dec pulls down by default. By building a replica I was able to trim the fat from the database. The default database from RealNetworks was 880k and contained over 4000 entries. Roughly 3400 of these entries had a 'disabled' flag set so the dec would not display them. I checked many of these entries and concluded that they were dead, so I just nuked them from the database. My replica is now down to 220k. Also by building the replica I've been able to add new stations to the tuner database. I haven't had a whole lot of time, but I have managed to add a good number of my favorite techno/dance stations from to the database. So... to use my tunerdb replica, you'll need to change some lines in your Odin_1_0 file mentioned above.
Comment out the TunerDBUpdateServer and TunerDBUpdateScript values by adding # in front of them like the following:
# TunerDBUpdateScript=idec/?cd%3dupdate&file%3dtunerdb&PN%3dodin&PV%3d1.0&PT%3dPLUS&DC%3dhp&CV%3d
Then add these two lines:
If you want to update the TunerDB immediately, you can execute a 'killall go' command and the dec will grab the latest version of the TunerDB. You'll know you have the new database when you can see the bitrate appended to the description of the station.
To view the database in a human readable format visit
Raymond Day has provided a step-by-step procedure for changing to the new iRadio server in the event that you're not proficient with Linux.
To add a station to his database, you need to know:
See for an example of what goes into the database. To force your dec to refresh the radio database, either restart the dec (shutdown -r now) or kill the Real processes (killall go) and wait for a few minutes after it restarts to see the changes. It appears to take a few minutes after the boot process before it checks for a new database so you will not see the changes immediately. Also, even if it's an mp3 stream that works on your PC, it may not work on your DEC. You need to add it, test it, and then delete it if it doesn't work.
Here are a few more websites dedicated to the de100c
Robert's web site for instructions
on installing Windows on the dec.
Jeff Monk's site for instructions on
adding Apache, Apache::MP3, and Slimp3 player support
MP3 Players, adding support for new MP3 players
Here is a text file that explains it: mp3playerDecSupportHowTo.txt
Khalid used this information to add support for the Archos Jukebox Recorder 20. Here are his instructions: I recently added support for Archos Jukebox to my de200c. I have tested the code with Archos Jukebox Recorder 20. Other Archos jukeboxes might work as well but I have tried JBR 20 only. If you want to try this code, you can find it at Unzip and untar this file at "/" (this, of course, assumes you have unlocked your dec). The commands to do this are: "cd /" followed by "tar zxvf /tmp/archos.tar.gz". Run "depmod -a", "rmmod usb-storage", "modprobe usb-storage" followed by "killall X" and the GUI should restart. At this point, when you connect Archos JBR to the USB port, it should show up under the list of portables. The "portables" menu should allow you to manipulate the files on JBR and you should also be able to transfer MP3 files to JBR. If you try this code, you do so at your own risk. This code comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. I am using this code successfully but this may or may not work for you.
I had to update the usb-storage driver since the usb-storage driver in 2.4.17 did not support ISD200 chip. Once I had an updated usb-storage driver, I used the "how to" for adding archos. Overall it was fairly simple process if one is comfortable with the kernel build process - just add isd200 support files to drivers/usb/storage, update drivers/usb/storage/Makfile and files and build a new driver. The tar file I made available has the updated usb-storage driver and two files that allow DEC software to recognize Archos (as explained in developer's how to). Using this process, it should be possible to add support for other mp3 players that are supported by any recent versions of usb-storage driver
Passwords, being asked for them on Windows or Mac system OS 10.4
Some users have noted that they are asked for a password when attempting mount the file system of their DEC to their PC, which they shouldn't need, since the Samba shares on the DEC are not password protected. It appears this may be related to password encryption settings on Windows and the fix is the following:
Add the following lines to the [global] section of the DEC's /etc/smb.conf file:
passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
Save the smb.conf file and then execute the command:
service smb restart
Once the service restarts and you attempt to add the DEC's shared folders to your PC, you'll be asked for a password. Just leave it blank and hit 'Enter' and you should then see your DEC. You shouldn't be asked for a password again. Special thanks to Dave, Andrew, and Scott for figuring this one out.
If you're having a problem with a MAC system 10.4, there is also a work around explained on this support page from Apple. Special thanks to Jordan for finding it.
The Squeezbox (formerly called Slimp3 prior to its acquistion by Logitech) is a networked mp3 player from Logitech Squeezbox that is optimized to run with Linux systems so you can add an rpm to run it directly from the DEC. Jeff Monks has added the rpm file to his DEC website. For more information on installing RPMs see the 'How To' section on Installing RPMs.
Secure Shell is a program to log into another computer over a network, to execute commands in a remote machine, and to move files from one machine to another. It provides strong authentication and secure communications over unsecure channels. It is intended as a replacement for telnet, rlogin, rsh, and rcp. Greg Zwart has a set of SSH rpm files for installation on the dec linked here.
Telneting or logging into the dec
The best way to gain access to the dec is to 'telnet' into it. The DEC must have the latest firmware image (091702_1.4.201) for telnet to be enabled. You can do this directly from a DOS window by typing 'telnet ip.address.of.dec' where ip.address.of.dec is a number like This can also be done through Windows by going to the 'Start' menu and using the 'Run' feature and typing in 'telnet ip.address.of.dec'. If you intend to do lots of telneting, you should consider fixing the ip address to be outside the DHCP range of your router. For example, the DHCP range default on Linksys routers is between to You'll find that the dec will move around in that range (hence the name 'dynamic') and this leads to confusion when trying to log into it because it's like a moving target. The best way to fix the address is to let the DHCP server assign the ip address, network mask, and gateway, and then go in and edit the ip address manually to be outside the DHCP range. That way it won't be like trying to hit a moving target.
The DOS telnet is very crude. A much better solution is the free putty program which allows an X-terminal like interface that allows text pasting between Windows and the dec as well as many other features. Highly recommended!
The username for the dec is 'root' and the default password is 'redhat'.
I got the following email from Gary Affleck:
I have a de200c and have wanted to use a window manager and other x windows programs on it with a monitor at resolutions other than 640x480 and thought that other people might be interested in this as well. I determined from the Intel data sheet for the i810 graphics adapter that the BIOS sets the graphics adapter to override the VGA clock with the TV clock so resolutions other than 640x480 and frequencies other than 60 Hz wouldn't work.
I found a utility called i810switch that allows enabling and disabling the CRT and LCD outputs for the graphics controller, and modified the utility to enable and disable the TV clock override and output to allow other frequencies and resolutions if the X config is modified for other resolutions and or frequencies. I thought others may be interested in trying this if they wish. I am making no guarantees for the changes I made but others are welcome to use it at their own use. You can find it here.
I don't know anything about how it works or how to use it so you'll have to figure it out on your own or track down Gary if you wish to know more about it.
On August 1, 2003, all decs automatically unlocked and will allow telnet access, hard drive replacement, and booting from a recovery CD provided that the dec was running the latest software update (version 091702_1.4.201). Your login will be 'root' with a password of 'redhat' if your dec is unlocked. If you have a dec that isn't running software version 091702_1.4.201, you'll have to unlock it manually. You will need your dec's unique password to unlock the dec. To get this password, you will need your dec's serial number and can find a password server here:
JP's decoder ring (hosted on
1. Telnet to the ip address of your dec (found in network settings, it may look something like Telnet will only work if you have the latest update (091702_1.4.201). If you don't have that version of software, skip down past step 5 to see how to login from the console.
2. Login as 'root' with a password determined by 8 characters from the 16 character password based on the 'index number' which appears before the password prompt. If there is no index number in front of the prompt it is likely your dec has already unlocked and your password will be 'redhat' provided you haven't changed it to something else. You should see something like this:
login: root <---- type in 'root'
0 Password: 7ro1ZGb^ <-- type in the correct
password , depending on the number that is displayed in front of Password prompt
as explained below.
When you look up your password on one of the sites referenced above, you will
see something that looks like the list below except without the commentary
BIOSPW = 7ro1ZGb^j4tM\8wj
0: 7ro1ZGb^ <--- if a '0' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
1: ro1ZGb^j <--- if a '1' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
2: o1ZGb^j4 <--- if a '2' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
3: 1ZGb^j4t <--- if a '3' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
4: ZGb^j4tM <--- if a '4' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
5: Gb^j4tM\ <--- if a '5' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
6: b^j4tM\8 <--- if a '6' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
7: ^j4tM\8w <--- if a '7' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
8: j4tM\8wj <--- if a '8' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
9: 4tM\8wj7 <--- if a '9' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
10: tM\8wj7r <--- if a '10' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
11: M\8wj7ro <--- if a '11' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
12: \8wj7ro1 <--- if a '12' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
13: 8wj7ro1Z <--- if a '13' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
14: wj7ro1ZG <--- if a '14' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
15: j7ro1ZGb <--- if a '15' appears
before the password prompt type in this password
Depending on which number appears before the password prompt, you will type in
the appropriate 8 characters. There are 16 characters and the number in front
of the Password prompt shows you which 8 characters you'll need to type in. Be
careful of characters like 1 (one), l (small L), o (small oh), O (big oh), 0
(zero) etc, since you can easily confuse them with each other.
If you don't see a number in front of the "Password:" prompt, then the dec is
likely to be unlocked and the password will be 'redhat', unless someone changed
it. If it's been changed and you don't know what it is, the only way to reset
it is by booting from a recovery CD.
3. Change directories with the command 'cd /opt/fiji/utils'
Please note that there is a single space between the
cd and /opt/fiji/utils
in that command.
4. Execute an unlock command. type './unlockDec'.
5. Allow the system to reboot. If using the console login, this will happen automatically. If not, you will have to shut down the dec with the power button and remove power to the unit to allow a cold reboot to occur. Your new password is 'redhat'. Make sure to change your password to prevent unauthorized entry to your dec.
If you aren't running the latest software (091702_1.4.201) you won't be able to telnet into your dec, but you can still unlock it from the console using this procedure:
Connect a VGA monitor and disconnect the TV and power it up from a cold boot. This will allow you to see the number for the offset required at the beginning of the prompt which is normally hidden in the overscan range on a TV. If both the TV and CRT are connected, it will default to being optimized for the TV and the offset character will be hidden from view even on the CRT so that's why you should disconnect the TV during the boot up.
Plug a USB keyboard into one of the USB ports on the dec and type: <alt> <alt> e x (in 4 separate keystrokes) after the dec has completely booted and is at the home screen. This will put you at a login prompt. Use steps 2-5 above to complete the unlocking procedure.
Unlocking a DEC does several things. The most important features of the unlock are removing the hard drive lock so you can upgrade to a larger drive (137 GB maximum). It also allows the dec to boot from a CD so you can install the recovery image on the drive. A step-by-step procedure to upgrade the hard drive was submitted by a group member which you can use if you're unfamiliar with Linux.
The de100 and de200c products do not support WOL. It is possible to enable the hardware on the motherboard by jumpering R333 on the motherboard with a solder bridge. This will make the PME signal available to the BIOS and if you have a LAN card that supports WOL through the PME line, it might be possible to make WOL work. The 3-funtion card in the de100c had an incompatibility with the HPNA side that was not correctable so that is why the WOL feature was disabled in hardware on the de100c. The de200c, which used a Realtek network interface card was never tested for WOL compatibility and also had WOL disabled via removal of R333. WOL never worked correctly with the low power state the dec used, but it may work if you upgrade your kernel to the full shutdown kernel then it may be possible to make WOL work.