Tagged.com scam – one messed up company


I got an invitation to join tagged.com today informing me someone I knew had sent me some photos. I clicked on a link to see if I could download the pictures, but the service required me to ‘register’ with tagged.com first. Well, I thought this was an inconvenience, but I didn’t want to disappoint the person who sent me the photos so I started the lengthy procedure that started out asking me for the usual username/password. But that wasn’t the only information they wanted. As I got into it, I started getting screen after screen of ‘offers’ and some that made mention of charging my phone number a sizable monthly fee for some service or other. I found the tiny ‘skip this’ button on each page and became exasperated in my quest to find said photos. I must have turned down 10 dubious offers.

The real deal breaker came when it asked for my gmail account password. Wait a minute! You want my email account PASSWORD, so you can ‘match me up with my other friends’? It was about that time that everything became painfully clear. This dirtbag company wasn’t going to show me any pictures that my friend had sent me, it simply duped her into giving her email password and they had harvested her ENTIRE ADDRESS BOOK and were sending out these invitations to everyone in it.

I completed the registration (without giving up my gmail password) and sure enough, there wasn’t even a single picture posted to my friend’s account. What a scumbag company!

Companies that pull stunts like this (Grouply is another one) should be sued out of existence and have their entire staff incarcerated. I hate when companies use a person’s goodwill to send messages out without the person’s explicit consent just to induce others who trust that person that they need to register to get some important information. Then they dupe THOSE victims into giving up their email passwords and propagate the duplicity ad infinitum.

I unregistered with this pathetic service and let them know my sentiments on the stunt they had just pulled.

Whenever you get a dubious offer via email even if it comes from a trustworthy source, you should do a search on the company’s name affiliated with the email and append the word ‘scam’. And never give out your Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail password to anyone. I’d have saved some time and frustration had I done a web search first on tagged.com because there are plenty of people that have called out these scammers including snopes. Hopefully, you found this posting before you wasted any time with this fraudulent operation.

13 thoughts on “Tagged.com scam – one messed up company

  1. These Tagged people should be called FISTED.com

    They are out to rape and bloody you online in ways that should be considered a crime.

    Everyone who works at TAGGED.SCUM should be taken out over the ocean in a helicopter and thrown out to be eaten by sharks.


  2. I signed up thinking it was a competitor for facebook, only to find all of the accounts that befriended me, messaged me, etc. were fake accounts trying to spam you. Don’t waste your time with that place, nobody on it is real, and who exists are just fakes.

  3. Just got txt’d from someone with a phone number link in the txt that didn’t match up to the number the txt was coming from. they started talking to me like I was some girl name amanda (I’m a guy.) I told them they had the wrong number. They said someone was posting my number all over tagged.com saying they were Amanda. It all seemed very fishy. I never heard of this site so I went and thought I could sign up and see what it was. I didn’t give any real info and just got to the part where they sent an email I had to confirm when my spidey sense went off telling me I probably shouldn’t even click their confirmation as that could be a phishing scam or something. So I found this site and realized that maybe the WHOLE thing was a giant set up for a scam. Either that or some random scammer randomly picked my phone number to give to random dudes on the internet. What trashy scummy site this is. Seriously places like this need to be shut down, they are obviously dens for scammers and criminals. Anyone have have something similar happen?

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