Energy and Entconnect


I am trying to recruit one of my favorite gurus to attend the EntConnect conference this year. If you’re into electronics, you’ve no doubt heard of Don Lancaster. Don is a prolific writer and has written numerous columns in most of the electronics hobbiest magazines over the years. He’s also authored numerous electronics books such as the TTL Cookbook and the CMOS Cookbook. Nowadays, his columns can be found on his website.

Don was responsible for my finding out about Midnight Engineering magazine and so he’s indirectly responsible for my involvement with the EntConnect conference. Similarly, many other conference attendees give him credit for their discovery of it as well.

My favorite articles that Don writes about are related to energy, especially his energy fundamentals article. He recently followed it up with another one entitled more energy fundamentals. I also appreciate his take on patents.

I’ve asked him to run a banner ad on his site for the conference. I’ve combined two elements that are distinctly Don, the aqua blue color of his website and the word ‘tinaja’. We’ll see if he chooses to run it as is or if I’ll be doing some editing of it. You can see the example below. And…if you’re interested in coming to EntConnect, please note the discount code available in the banner ad when you register.

3 thoughts on “Energy and Entconnect

  1. You certainly have lots of connections!!

    Does he write for Nuts and Volts? If he does, I have probably read at least a few columns he wrote.

    Wish I could attend, but I don’t have anyway of getting there…


  2. Yeah, just $3K and 6months left lol…

    I have been thinking about getting into ultralights instead though. It would be slightly less expensive, and I could have my own plane/para.

    Now sure how far I could go in an ultralight though…

  3. Hi Chris,

    Yes, that is the very same Don Lancaster! He has written for all the best electronics magazines on a variety of topics. He’s quite the expert on selling things in eBay, on-demand publishing, postscript, electronics, energy, making money, etc. You name the topic and Don has likely written something about it.

    I really like Don’s writing style and am impressed with his depth and breadth of knowledge.

    It would be great if you could make it to this conference, because you’d fit right in there. It’s highly focused on tech entrepreneurship and with your PC support business, you are just the kind of person we’re looking for and you’d certainly be one of the youngest. But I can certainly understand the issue with getting there from Saint Louis. Maybe in the future, you’ll have your Sport Pilot ticket and you can fly yourself out here. 🙂

    We occasionally get a few teens who come along with their parents and they help to add some levity to the conference and balance out the age distribution.

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